

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Stay Focused

Good Morning! I am enjoying an English muffin and a warm cup of coffee while I paint the drawers of the Basset piece. This could be a dresser, a credenza, a bar, whatever! Loving it. I seriously want to keep everything I work on, which isn't possible.

I have discovered I may have ADD when it comes to restoring furniture. I don't say that lightly considering my daughter, boyfriend, and his daughter have been diagnosed, but the signs are there for me. I move from piece to piece and have trouble staying focused on one thing long enough to finish it. It is something I am going to need to be on top of to keep myself in check.

Aside from some possible ADD symptoms, I think one of the causes of being so random is that I avoid finishing things because it opens up my work to criticism. If I don't declare it "finished" then nobody can pick it apart. Kinda wondering if it stems from my childhood. Yeah, that's right,  I went there. Seriously though, my parents had trouble with praise. They thought we would get a big ego or something. Granted, my French horn solos in the dining room probably crushed some eardrums, but I wish my parents would have lied and told me I was really great. I have always tended to flit from one thing to another looking for praise in my current endeavor.

When I don't get that praise, I assume I don't have the talent for it. But with this new business, I am accepting of the fact that I will make some mistakes,  I may restore some pieces that people don't care for, but that doesn't mean I should quit. I love what I'm doing, and I think I'm pretty good at it. I have an eye for color and great design. I can prove that I have an eye for quality because I tend to gravitate toward it immediately, on instinct, be it wine, or furniture, or clothing, or men!

My goal this week is to complete (fully complete) two pieces, and list them for sale. Keeping this goal will allow me to prove to myself that I am determined and capable and can be an amazing business woman. What are the things you struggle with both personally and professionally? Maybe we can help each other out.

Tante belle cose, 

Christine ♥

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