

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Bummer, or was it?

Yesterday's auction ended up being a big bummer, so my blogging about it today isn't what I was expecting to deliver. Here's the thing though- I took it as a learning opportunity, and I'm hoping that my readers will too. Not every event turns out the best, whether it be an auction or a well thought out and magnificently decorated party. For instance, this year I planned the Christmas get together to invite my side as well as Mark's side of the family. I cleaned and shopped and cooked and wrapped presents and came up with games like a madwoman in the days preceding, but the day of the event I ended up somewhat disappointed in how it turned out.

Mark's brother was mopey and commented on how my food wasn't ready at the scheduled time. He wouldn't participate in the games and claimed he didn't realize that we were exchanging gifts, so my side of the family, including the little kids, had to wait until after Mark's family left to open our gifts.

Reflecting on the day, I put my own disappointments aside, and concentrated on the fact that the little ones, whom Christmas is about anyway, had a blast playing musical chairs and opening the silly gift prizes they won. They hadn't even noticed the tension with the adults.

So...about the was a bummer for me because I brought Mark along hoping he'd catch the bug. Instead, it was long and boring, mainly because there were dozens of hoity toity dealers present from out of the area who jacked up the prices outside of my realm of understanding.

Here's how I am choosing to look at yesterday's "bummer" auction: it was only a bummer for me, the gal with the shallow pockets. It was a success for Robbie's Auctions in Amery, Wisconsin. What's great about that is I really like them, and if they do well, it means they stay in business and continue to provide their fantastic services. It's a win-win for everybody.

I teach my children to try to look at the bright side of what they consider a bad situation to see that it is really more about perspective.  Now I am choosing to use my own advice.

I would love to hear how you have taken a bad situation and framed it in new light. Please weigh in!

Have a blessed and prosperous 2014!
